Friday, January 31, 1992

Letter to Chris


It's been a long time since I wrote, hasn't it? Well, it's not because I don't think of you. I do. It's just because I'm lazy and busy and all that sort of stuff.

I still plan to come in the late spring so hopefully we'll see each other soon. I was broke in November so I rented my apartment out to these Christmas tree sales people (At a profit). Most of them were from Sweden. In fact there were two "Babes" staying at my place. They are from Helsingborg. So I promised I would try to visit them also.

I worked most of the holidays doing catering to make extra cash If you work on x-mass etc. you can get $25 an hour cash, plus tip. So I worked a lot in December to get ahead. Now I am taking most of January to catch up on my writing. I am also performing with Maxine Moremon. An underground New York Choreographer.

The week between Christmas and New years I went home to Chelmsford and also spent time with friends in Boston.

While in Chelmsford I hooked up with Dawn Clements. As someone else in their thirties and still struggling, there was a strong feeling of solidarity. I guess we both wonder some times if we should quit and join the system. But then we look at our parents. I don't think either of us can imagine working for Raytheon or some kind of similar thing. So we realized that we were very lucky. We are doing exactly what we want to be doing.

Working with Maxine has been a blast. We've performed at a few places now. She got some kind of award at our last thing at B.A.C.A.. So now she gets a "Shared Concert" there in the fall and an honorarium. I didn't think I'd be dancing again but, here I am.

The movie is also going pretty well. I got an investment of $2,000. to cover some of our expenses. Legal, scripts, phone, etc. perhaps we might also make a trailer. We are working now with John Thomas the Cinematographer from "Metropolitan" perhaps you've heard about it? It did well here in New York and is now being distributed nationally by New Line Cinema. Anyways that's what is going on there.

Beyond that. I am working with a performance group called madness. Once a month we do a show at the West Beth Theatre Centre in the West Village. So far west it's almost in the river. We do vingettes, silly songs and that sort of stuff. I think I'm going to do "I found a Job" next week. So that'll be it's New York debut. I also do all their graphics. Surprised?

I have gotten a few really good jobs doing computer graphics the last few months and that keeps me solvent and gives me time to persue my other interests. Which as you know are many.

The guy I was working for was pretty cool. He was so nervous about this presentation (it's for the president of CITIBANK) that towards the end he just stood there looking over my shoulder. Finally I said "I'm not making you nervous typing under your shoulder like this am I?" He laughed and like an expectant father stayed in the hall pacing back and forth until I called him in. It's great going in just for one week on a high pressure project. It's like you're the cavalry. You work late every night, they buy you dinner and lunch. And of course every click of the mouse amazes them. I made 1100 in one week. So now I can just do lame jobs and work on whatever.

By the way, I have the rest of the money I owe you and will be sending it along in about two weeks. I guess I'll send you a bank check. I hope that will be allright.

Enclosed is also the info on silly but for real dog suits. The prices have gone up about 10% since the printing of this. I am sorry to add that they have just come up with their own snow suit. I didn't mention yours because I know they would have become wierd. If any wierder is possible. It is made of Gortex and has little boots. I think they plan on selling it for under thirty. Also of interest I think is their whole sizing system.

The war is the biggest thing here. It's on every channel and a lot of people are really into it. Pop phycologists are calling it CNN-itus. Perhaps you should make little dog infantry suits with gas masks and different ranks? Sorry, I am so disgusted I can only try to laugh at it now. But Bush started it with the biggest joke of all. I'm sure you heard him say that we are fighting for the liberation of Kuwait. I wonder what the Emir's eighty wives thought of that line? I'm not sure I get the freedom of speech connection either.

Give my love to Marcelene and the little boogers. Hope all is well. Please write me and I promise to be better about responding.

As always.
