Wednesday, July 11, 2007

A Week in Bangkok

I watched five movies as I flew over the pole. Every time I opened the window to peer at the polar ice cap, somebody complained. They just wanted to sleep. I put a blanket over my head so that I could have a look. Big black jagged slashes cut across the huge ice floes. Seems they didnt care that it was breaking up before our eyes.

I landed in Bangkok and took a cab straight to my favorite Hotel, The New Siam II. I managed to eat something and then passed out. I had been up for over 24 hours.

I had to wait seven days for my visa to Cambodia, so I was stuck in Bangkok. It's not my favorite city. New York, Paris, Berlin, Barcelona, those are favorite cities. But I made the best of it. There only a few places in the world where I can afford to have a massage every day. Six bucks with a nice tip. At a luxury spa... with a body scrub... maybe 50. I had fresh fruit, with granola and home-made yoghurt at Rickeys. And cappaccino's, of course cappaccinos. I found a yoga studio and took classes at the top of a sky scraper where they could open the windows and let in the afternoon thunderstorms.

I saw Bruce Willis at The Scala and Transformers at The Lido.

Finally my passport came.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I was getting worried about you, checked your blog yesterday, not one entry.
Closed plane windows? Never occured to me; I get a kick out of taking photos and daydreaming. You either sleep or you don't. Marlon Brando was once seen on a plane staring out of the window for hours; I bet you he knew what was going on down below and he probably still does..and I saw a plane fly right next to me once; at first I was amazed, then I got a little scared..I seemed to be the only one who noticed it.