Wednesday, August 15, 2007

jewel box

Today I went to Ream National Park. I went with a ranger to a tiny jewel box of a waterfall. The ranger could not have been more bored. We went most of the way up the mountain on motorbike and then hiked through the jungle for about twenty minutes. You really could not call this a trek. It was a walk and it cost ten bucks. In Thailand they would take you to a series of fantastic waterfalls and you would camp overnight in a mountain village for the same price.

On the way back I made him stop at one of the grass hut seafood restaurants that line the beach. He ordered lunch for us, including himself without really asking. I was fine with buying him lunch but I would have liked the opportunity to offer. We had a huge plate of prawns and two crispy red snappers sauteed in vegetables with fresh pineapple. We sat cross legged on the wood plank floor between two hammock's.
"Chinang" I told the owner as I payed. "Delicious."

Like everything in Cambodia, the park was a little disappointing. The waterfalls are better in Laos. The beaches more spectacular in Thailand. Still I should be happy. The winter will come in New York and I will remember what it was like to sit on a rock in my wet black under ware, sun drying above this postcard pool of clear mountain water.

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